I'm back

I'm back


Returning to the world of blogging after nearly four years at Apple feels like rediscovering an old friend. The time away has been transformative, filled with incredible experiences, challenges, and growth. But as fulfilling as my work at Apple was, it came with certain limitations—most notably, the company’s strict policies regarding personal expression online. Blogging, a platform I once freely embraced to share thoughts, ideas, and experiences, had to take a backseat due to these draconian rules.

Apple’s approach to employee communication is well-known for its rigor. The company prioritizes confidentiality and control over its narrative, which means that employees are often restricted from sharing their work or opinions publicly. For someone who thrives on writing and sharing insights, this was a tough adjustment. The rules are there for good reasons, protecting innovation and maintaining a unified message, but they also stifle personal expression, making it nearly impossible to keep up a blog without crossing lines.

Now, as I step away from that chapter, I find myself eager to reconnect with the blogging community. The hiatus has given me new perspectives and a deeper understanding of technology, innovation, and the complexities of working within such a tightly controlled environment. I’m excited to bring these insights into my writing, blending my experiences at Apple with a renewed commitment to open and honest dialogue.

Blogging again feels like a breath of fresh air—a chance to engage with ideas and conversations that were put on hold. I look forward to sharing more in the coming weeks and months, exploring new topics, and reconnecting with readers who, like me, value the freedom to express themselves openly.

Anyways, more posts coming in the next few weeks talking about what I’m doing next and where that’s happening.
