Wishful Thinking

Wishful Thinking


Wishful Thinking

Wishful thinking is the act of believing or hoping for something to be true, often without regard to logic, evidence, or practicality. It involves imagining a desired outcome, even if it’s unrealistic or unlikely, because it aligns with personal desires or fantasies. This type of thinking can lead people to make decisions based on what they want to happen rather than what is actually probable or reasonable.

For example, someone might hope for a promotion at work despite a lack of qualifications, just because they want it to happen. Or someone might ignore signs of an unhealthy relationship, believing it will improve on its own because they deeply wish it will. While wishful thinking can offer comfort, it can also lead to disappointment if it disconnects from reality.

Or as my grandfather used to say

Wish in one hand, shit in the other, see which one fills up first.